We have long extolled the virtues of theMediterranean Diet As we have reported previously,What is the Mediterranean Diet?The Mediterranean diet is a broad description of the traditional dietary habits gleaned from the countries along the Mediterranean Sea.Each of the more than 20 countries has its own culture and cuisine, but they share these common diet choices:Including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and nutsChoosing olive oil over butter or other oilsLimiting dairy products, red meat, sweets, sugars, salt, and highly processed food.Followers of the Mediterranean diet are said to have the lowest rates of chronic diseases such as heart disease and some cancers.Here are two guidebooks for exploring Mediterranean cooking:Mediterranean Cookingby Pamela Clark and healthy cooking secrets from the land of longevity The Iberian Tableby Robin Keuneke.Click here to sample recipes and learn more about Mediterranean cuisine.Login to Access...
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Publisher: Healthy Aging ( Read More )
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