Maybe its my Catholic upbringing but Ive always treated New Years resolutions as the tune up for Lent.With the same vows (No more treats! Be a better friend! Volunteer!)and regrettably with the same results.At the same time, I indulge in my hopes for the coming year.I keep track of them from year to year not the cosmic ones like world peace, but the smaller ones with the most impact on my life and goals.
This year I hope to lprogress in getting a book contract.I hope to decide on a website strategy and implement it.I hope to lose some weight and regain my pre-Covid muscle tone.
I hope to find the home of my dreams.And I hope to leave my tech comfort zone and try a few new tech tricks.I did a podcast earlier in 2024 and Id like to do more of that, and Id like to get an Instagram experiment off the ground.There are two legacy PC programs I am still trying to revive so I can print them to help me stay on track.YOUR TURNAnyway, thats me.
What are your tech New Years Resolutions? Let us know in the comments.and if you want some help with them, we have an answer for you!Do you have a tech resolution that youd like to accomplish this year? Maybe its finally setting up a password manager or hosting a Zoom meeting with friends.Submit your tech resolution online to have a technology trainer from the Senior Planet hotline give you a call to help you reach your goals.Submit here: Randall is Senior Planets Managing Editor.
She is also a freelance culture reporter who seeks out hidden gems and unsung (or undersung) treasures for Straus Newspapers; her blog Dont Get Me Started puts a quirky new spin on Old School New York City.Send Open Thread suggestions to [email protected]
Publisher: Senior Planet ( Read More )