
For Teacher Appreciation Day were celebrating all our amazing Senior Planet trainers! Anyone who has participated in a Senior Planet lecture, workshop or discussion group can attest that our trainers are top of the line.And while they all share the common traits of patience, tech-savviness and a welcoming attitude, every trainer brings her own signature flavor to the classroom.Thats why class participants love them so much! And the feeling is mutual.

In their own words, here are some reasons why our trainers love working with Senior Planet participants Umme, based in NYC, says Senior Planet is like a home away from home:Senior Planet is my second home.As trainers, we help older adults use technology to reach their goals and it is a very rewarding experience.I enjoy Senior Planets culture/atmosphere, where knowledge sharing is everywhere, and no question is too small to be asked.Sue-May, one of our Mandarin speaking trainers in California, says she enjoys seeing her work improve peoples everyday lives:One of my favorite parts is seeing seniors apply the knowledge they have learned to improve their daily lives.

We are living in such a rapidly changing world and I see seniors come to the classroom eager to learn new skills.It really inspires me.Sharlitta in Maryland takes inspiration from the older adults in her class:As long as we are living, we all have a purpose, and aging with attitude means we do not lose sight of our purpose on this planet regardless of our age.We continue to give our best and expect the best of life each and every day!Brian finds the person to person work of being a trainer rewarding:The best compliment I ever got was when a student told me that he no longer feared using his computer.Click here to read alltrainer profiles! And tell us in the comments about a trainer or teacher who had a positive impact on your life!And if youre able, please consider acknowledging a Senior Planet trainer you love when you make a gift to OATS!Pam Hugi is Senior Planets Community and Advocacy Manager.

Based in Brooklyn, she is a contributing writer for this site.

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